Fall Series Syllabus
Ground Phase Development
The first level of instruction begins focused on approach, plant and takeoff mechanics. During this phase you will be taught critical components for success through guided instruction and targeted drills that will link to actual application on the runway. Sessions flow from concept simple to complex as we gradually cover all of the skills necessary for a safe and successful ground phase.
Key Concepts Include:
Drive Phase
Transition to Take-Off
Grip & Carry
Pole Drop
Rhythm of Run
Increasing Frequency
Plant Timing
Tip of Pole
Sprint Mechanics
The first level of instruction begins focused on approach, plant and takeoff mechanics. During this phase you will be taught critical components for success through guided instruction and targeted drills that will link to actual application on the runway. Sessions flow from concept simple to complex as we gradually cover all of the skills necessary for a safe and successful ground phase.
Key Concepts Include:
Drive Phase
Transition to Take-Off
Grip & Carry
Pole Drop
Rhythm of Run
Increasing Frequency
Plant Timing
Tip of Pole
Sprint Mechanics
Off-Ground Phase Development
The second level we will address critical move through each element in the off ground series. Here you will develop the understanding of how move yourself into position in order to come off the pole in vertical alignment. From simple pole vault gymnastic movements to partner drill sets and use of pole apparatus equipment you will develop the skills necessary to vault safely and reach your full potential.
Key Concepts Include:
Arm extension technique
Elastic extension
Shoulder relaxation
Swing engagement
Down Pressure
Turn (wrap)
The second level we will address critical move through each element in the off ground series. Here you will develop the understanding of how move yourself into position in order to come off the pole in vertical alignment. From simple pole vault gymnastic movements to partner drill sets and use of pole apparatus equipment you will develop the skills necessary to vault safely and reach your full potential.
Key Concepts Include:
Arm extension technique
Elastic extension
Shoulder relaxation
Swing engagement
Down Pressure
Turn (wrap)
Competition Development
In the final level of development you will apply the skills that you have acquired from short and eventually full approach vaulting. During this phase of the series you will be given personalized advice specific to your technical needs. Here PVA athletes receive tailored instruction that targets their specific technical areas of concern in order to maximize performance.
Key Focus:
Review of Ground Phase
Review of Off-Ground Phase
Runway Warm-Up Progressions
Bungy and Bar sessions
Competition advise
Safety Concerns
Pole Selection Advice
In the final level of development you will apply the skills that you have acquired from short and eventually full approach vaulting. During this phase of the series you will be given personalized advice specific to your technical needs. Here PVA athletes receive tailored instruction that targets their specific technical areas of concern in order to maximize performance.
Key Focus:
Review of Ground Phase
Review of Off-Ground Phase
Runway Warm-Up Progressions
Bungy and Bar sessions
Competition advise
Safety Concerns
Pole Selection Advice